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To use DoctorEM, launch the application from your iPhone.

Some basic knowledge of medical coding is very helpful. DoctorEM is intended as a supplement that will assist you in calculating a proper visit code.

DoctorEM consists of five main screens. You can navigate to and from each screen using the tab bar buttons at the bottom of the screen.

The first screen enables you to input elements from your Medical History taking. The first segment is for the History of Present Illness, the second is for Review of Systems, and the thrird is for Past History, Social History, and Family History.



Simply click the button for each historical element that was presnet in your encounter. Click an element a second time to deselect it. DoctorEM will dynamically calculate the Type of History and display it at the bottom of the screen.




The second and third screens are for documenting the physical exam. For each organ system, select the number of elements you examined. The Type of Examination will be dynamically calculated. Note that DoctorEM uses the General Multisystem Exam to calculate the proper level of service. Single system specialty exams are not supported in the current release but may be added in the future if there is sufficient demand.




The fourth screen allows the user to select the three components of Medical Decision Making.



The Summary Screen will allow you to select the type of visit, and will then generate the proper code for that visit. Use the wheel selector to choose a visit type.


Available on the iTunes Application store or directly from your iPhone
